
Drawing of a horseshoe crab

Science and Art Come Together for the Win!

When Fellow Nancy Ventresca wrote her unit “The Unsinkable Horseshoe Crab” she aimed to educate her Christina School District students about this aquatic organism that plays an essential role in the Delaware coastal ecosystem. 

Dr. Eric Rise presents a lecture on the Varieties of Censorship as part of a DTI Unit written by Dr. Barbara Prillaman on Social Media and Censorship

DTI Comes Full Circle

Each spring, Delaware Teachers Institute Fellows arrive on campus to begin a twelve seminar journey. They gather together with a small group of teachers from our five partner districts to not only increase their content knowledge but ultimately write units that they will implement in their classroom and publish for other teachers to access.

Image of David Ostheimer

DTI Fellow Goes Global

David Ostheimer Chosen as Global Learning Fellow